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  • 麥花臣場館 MacPherson Stadium | 香港

    [IMPORTANT NOTICE] Ticket Dispensing Machine service in MacPherson Stadium has been terminated from 30 June 2023 MacPherson Festival 2025 Upcoming Events Beginning LIVE in Hong Kong 25-27 Jul 2024 Event Type: Concert jordan leung low energy world tour in hong kong 1-3 Aug 2024 Event Type: Stand-up Comedy 劉威煌 2024《REunite》音樂會 10-11 Aug 2024 Event Type: Concert LOVE PSYCHEDELICO LIVE IN HONG KONG 2024 17 Aug 2024 Event Type: Concert Sasha Alex Sloan: "Me Again" Tour - ASIA in Hong Kong 21 Aug 2024 Event Type: Concert 〈Who am I〉賴晏駒巡迴演唱會香港站 25 Aug 2024 Event Type: Concert 2024 KIM SUNG KYU CONCERT [LV3 : Let‘s Vacay] IN HONG KONG 31 Aug - 1 Sep 2024 Event Type: Concert 艾粒旺角十大酷型頒獎典禮 5-8 Sep 2024 Event Type: Stand-up Comedy 丁噹Della 《當我們再一起》演唱會 21 Sep 2024 Event Type: Concert GX 《大玩一票ALL YOU CAN PLAY》演唱會 22 Sep 2024 Event Type: Concert Sunny Mak - Leaving Live 2024 29 Sep 2024 Event Type: Concert Anne-Marie 2024 Live in Hong Kong 3 Oct 2024 Event Type: Concert Beginning LIVE in Hong Kong 25-27 Jul 2024 Event Type: Concert jordan leung low energy world tour in hong kong 1-3 Aug 2024 Event Type: Stand-up Comedy 劉威煌 2024《REunite》音樂會 10-11 Aug 2024 Event Type: Concert LOVE PSYCHEDELICO LIVE IN HONG KONG 2024 17 Aug 2024 Event Type: Concert Sasha Alex Sloan: "Me Again" Tour - ASIA in Hong Kong 21 Aug 2024 Event Type: Concert 〈Who am I〉賴晏駒巡迴演唱會香港站 25 Aug 2024 Event Type: Concert 2024 KIM SUNG KYU CONCERT [LV3 : Let‘s Vacay] IN HONG KONG 31 Aug - 1 Sep 2024 Event Type: Concert 艾粒旺角十大酷型頒獎典禮 5-8 Sep 2024 Event Type: Stand-up Comedy 丁噹Della 《當我們再一起》演唱會 21 Sep 2024 Event Type: Concert GX 《大玩一票ALL YOU CAN PLAY》演唱會 22 Sep 2024 Event Type: Concert Sunny Mak - Leaving Live 2024 29 Sep 2024 Event Type: Concert Anne-Marie 2024 Live in Hong Kong 3 Oct 2024 Event Type: Concert Beginning LIVE in Hong Kong 25-27 Jul 2024 Event Type: Concert jordan leung low energy world tour in hong kong 1-3 Aug 2024 Event Type: Stand-up Comedy 劉威煌 2024《REunite》音樂會 10-11 Aug 2024 Event Type: Concert LOVE PSYCHEDELICO LIVE IN HONG KONG 2024 17 Aug 2024 Event Type: Concert Sasha Alex Sloan: "Me Again" Tour - ASIA in Hong Kong 21 Aug 2024 Event Type: Concert 〈Who am I〉賴晏駒巡迴演唱會香港站 25 Aug 2024 Event Type: Concert 2024 KIM SUNG KYU CONCERT [LV3 : Let‘s Vacay] IN HONG KONG 31 Aug - 1 Sep 2024 Event Type: Concert 艾粒旺角十大酷型頒獎典禮 5-8 Sep 2024 Event Type: Stand-up Comedy 丁噹Della 《當我們再一起》演唱會 21 Sep 2024 Event Type: Concert GX 《大玩一票ALL YOU CAN PLAY》演唱會 22 Sep 2024 Event Type: Concert Sunny Mak - Leaving Live 2024 29 Sep 2024 Event Type: Concert Anne-Marie 2024 Live in Hong Kong 3 Oct 2024 Event Type: Concert View All

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  • 唱到麥花臣 | 麥花臣場館 MacPherson Stadium

    Are You Ready To Sing At MacPherson ? 麥花臣節系列:「唱到麥花臣」青年新聲對決 有一個舞台夢🎼🎤 但覺得自己懷才不遇❓ 成日BUSKING🎤嘅你,想喺更大舞台表演🤩❓ 遊協90周年x麥花臣場館 誠意舉辦「唱到麥花臣」青年新聲對決🆚 助年青一代用音樂感染生命,喺舞台上展現自我、發光發亮❣️ 🏆比賽勝出者將會獲得 冠軍 現金獎HK$3,500 亞軍 現金獎HK$2,000 季軍 現金獎HK$1,500 優異獎(1隊) 現金獎HK$1,000 ⭐⭐四隊勝出者由評審挑選,並成為麥花臣節2024暖場嘉賓*! *詳情請參閱條款及細則 參賽資格 歡迎15至25歲香港居民以獨唱/組合 形式參加,包括伴奏成員不多於4人。 未成年參賽者需提交家長/監護人同意書 個人或組合形式將視作一個參賽隊伍 報名截止日期:2023年9月5日 晚上23:59或之前 報名費用:全免 🔥 初選 初選形式: 網上登記,交提一段演唱影片 評審根據參賽者提交之影片作遴選,選出20-25隊參賽者 請參閱影片準則 ​ 公佈遴選入圍名單:2023年9月11日(一) 遴選 📆2023年9月21日(四) 📍 麥花臣場館活動室 遴選形式: 20-25隊參賽者實體進行遴選,選出8-10隊參賽者進入決賽 每隊參賽者演唱一首自選歌曲不多於2分鐘(包括簡單自我介紹) 參賽者可以清唱/純音樂伴奏下演繹參賽歌曲;參賽者亦可選擇自攜結他參賽,主辦方會提供數碼鋼琴、Bass Amp、結他Amp,其他樂器及設備恕不接受。 ​ 遞交伴奏音樂/自備樂器清單: 2023年9月18日( 一 )或之前 公佈決賽入圍名單:2023年9月30日(六) 決賽 📆2023年11月11日(六) 📍 香港遊樂場協會 優才發展及交流中心 決賽形式: 每隊參賽者只可選擇一首歌曲為參賽作品 參賽者可以純音樂伴奏下演繹參賽歌曲;參賽者亦可選擇自攜結他參賽,主辦方會提供數碼鋼琴、Bass Amp、結他Amp,其他樂器及設備恕不接受。 遞交伴奏音樂/自備樂器清單: 2023年10月14日(六)或之前 條款及細則 每人限報名1次,以先遞交之表格作準。 參賽者不得虛報資料,一經發現有違事實,主辦單位和評審委員有權取消其參賽資格。 未成年參賽者必須得到其家長或監護人同意報名參賽。 參賽歌曲不限語言,惟自創歌曲參賽須提交歌詞。 所有參賽歌曲之題材及內容不可違犯國安法或涉及危害國家安全。 所有參賽歌曲之內容不可帶有任何粗言穢語、不良意識、政治宗教、種族歧視、暴力及色情等成分。 所有參賽者須確保所提供之伴奏音樂不涉及任何侵權行為或不法行為,一切法律責任由有關參賽者承擔 遴選及決賽參賽者可選擇自攜結他參賽,主辦方會提供數碼鋼琴、Bass Amp、結他Amp,其他樂器及設備恕不接受。 參賽者出場次序由主辦方抽籤編定,參賽者不得異議;參賽者須於主辦方指定時間到達會場報到,主辦方有權取消遲到者的參賽資格,參賽者不得異議。 是次賽事不設上訴機制。 所有參賽者必須同意主辦機構進行錄像和拍攝,主辦機構擁有所有活動拍攝的照片和錄像的版權。 主辦方保留對比賽的最終解釋權及決定權。若有任何爭議,主辦機構的裁定為最終的裁決,任何人士均不得異議。 主辦方保有活動變更或終止的權利。 所有演出片段將悉數交予比賽籌委會、麥花臣節表演者及其製作團隊作甄選,為配合演唱會風格及要求,比賽籌委會、麥花臣節表演者及其製作團隊有最終決定權。如本屆未獲選者,將會撥獲下屆再繼續進行甄選。

  • 場館簡介 | MacPherson Stadium

    ​場館設備 Basic Facilities Ground Lobby LED Display Wall Ticket Office Barrier-free passages, entrances and lifts Arena Seating Capacity Maximum seating capacity: 1979 Audience seating (fixed): 1500 Loose seating on arena floor: 500 Dimensions Floor Area: 34m X 19m Floor Area: 37m X 20.5m (After the 3 sides seating) platform retracted) Height: 12.5m Stage Equipment Demountable Stage: 1.2m(L) x 1.2m(W) x 0.9m(H) 100 pieces Cyclorama: Black / Red cyclorama 18m(W) x 10m(H) Sports Facilities and Others Basketball Volleyball Badminton Table tennis 500 sets Exam Tables and Seats Ancillary Facilities 2 Changing Rooms, 2 Back Stages with mirrors, make-up counters, toilets, shower facilities and lockers Conference Room (about 30㎡) 2 LED Screens / Scoreboards Power supply: 380V, 200A (3 phase 4 wires) Audio and Lighting Professional Audio System (Console M7) Musical instruments (E. Guitar Amp, Jazz Drum Set, Stage Piano) Excellent Acoustic System (RT 1.5ms) Basic Stage Lighting Live Broadcasting Cabling ​Floor plan End Stage 平面圖 Event Type Concerts Sports Exhibition/Exam

  • Concerts and Performances | 麥花臣場館 MAC Stadium

    Event Type Concerts Sports Exhibition/Exam Concerts and Performances With a fixed seating capacity of 1,500 and the flat floor seating, the stadium is able to accommodate up to approximately 2,000 audiences totally. The flexible retractable seating arrangement and open stage setup allow your creation in holding concerts, variety shows and performances in any scale or nature; the close proximity between the stage and the spectators is also ideal for interactive events.

  • Stadium History | 麥花臣場館 MAC Stadium

    Stadium History Naming After the Second World War, Hong Kong's population surged, and the community lacked children's amusement facilities. At that time, Southorn, the president of the Playground Association, together with the manager, MacPherson, sought land from the government to build a children's playground. The establishment of Southorn Stadium in 1950 and the MacPherson Stadium in 1953 were named after the two foreigners. Redevelopment The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) and the Hong Kong Playground Association launched a tender for the MacPherson Stadium project in 2008, and the reconstruction project was completed in 2013. The new stadium was put into use in August 2013, with the opening of the basketball tournament (麥花臣場館籃球啟動戰). Former Stadium Designed by Su Gin Djih, the first generation of Chinese architects who studied abroad. The site area is 975 square meters, surrounded by streets on all sides. The design of "shell roof" consists of four groups of main span structures supporting a reinforced concrete slab roof with 100mm thick to cover the 36.3 x 18.3 square meters indoor venue below. The stadium has a 2,064-seat grandstand and a multi-purpose venue that can be used for basketball or tennis matches.

  • Exhibition/Exam | 麥花臣場館 MAC Stadium

    Event Type Concerts Sports Exhibition/Exam Exhibition/Exam More than 500 tables and chairs can be placed to hold different kinds of exhibitions, conferences and examinations for commercial sectors, government departments and academic institutes.

  • 麥花臣節 | MacPherson Stadium

    麥花臣節 簡介及目標: 透過與不同的音樂或藝術單位合作,向青少年及大眾推廣「入場睇Live Show」的文化。 向各表演單位提供較優惠的演出平台,推動及支持音樂及藝術行業。 向大眾推廣麥花臣場館。 ​ 申請簡介及章程、租務計算參考、申請表、申請需知及規則 MacPherson Festival 2023 「麥花臣節2023」 在表演場地放寬100%入座率情況下,透過不同類型的唱作新生代歌手的演出,令更多觀眾重拾「入場睇 Live Show」氣氛,感受只有置身現場才能體會到的感動和共鳴,從而支持本地音樂創作!🎤🎹🥁🎸 ​ 很高興能見證𝗖𝗮𝘁𝗵、𝗭𝗽𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹、𝗚𝗶𝗴𝗶&𝗟𝗲𝘄𝘀𝘇、𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗛𝗲𝗿𝘁𝘇踏上麥花臣節的舞台與大眾分享音樂🎶!台下supportive的觀眾們亦為各表演單位留下階段性紀錄💝 萬分感激各單位令「麥花臣節2023」順利完成 ❣️✨ Previous MacPherson Festival programs 2023 麥花臣節 X 黃妍《BLOOMING UNDERWATER LIVE 2023》 麥花臣節 X Zpecial《Zpecial City Live》 麥花臣節 X Gigi & Lewsz《I CAN GET WHAT I WANT》 麥花臣節 X The Hertz Live In The Present 2023 2022 《麥花臣節 X 十下十下就十年 - FHProduction十週年派對》 《麥花臣節 X 小薯茄六周年 IT'S PARTY TIME!!!》 《麥花臣節 X 張繼聰 Welcome to route 37演唱會 》 2021 《麥花臣節X伍仲衡搞乜花臣音樂會》 《麥花臣節 X Jason Kui B A-OK Live 2021》 2020 Program canceled due to COVID-19 ​ ​ 2020 麥花臣節 X Starkids 街舞祭 2019 麥花臣節 X ToNick 2019 Live For More Concert 麥花臣節 X Rock On Japan 2018 麥花臣節 X 周國賢銀河鉄道之夜part 2 麥花臣節 X《份子引力》音樂會 (表演單位包括﹕鄧小巧、馮穎琪、per se等) 麥花臣節 X 小肥 「談情一世」featuring 雷柏熹 2017 鐵樹蘭自白演唱會 MacPherson Festival X Phil Like Live 2017 天比高創意市集音樂會 (表演單位包括﹕Kolor、新青年理髮廳等) 燃燒吧我們的小宇宙2017音樂會 2016 天比高x麥花臣節「鐵樹創意市集音樂會」(表演單位包括﹕英師傳、黃靖、RubberBand等) Death Cab For Cutie Live in HK 黃耀明美麗的呼聲聽證會 2015 Kimberley Chen 陳芳語演唱會 KOLOR KOLLECTIVE XLI MEMORIES 41 Concert 「澀青-我本善良」舞台劇 2014 頌.夏 管樂音樂會 李飛標醒獅武術匯演 Story of the Year Live in Hong Kong 謝安琪 x goldEN二元對立音樂實驗場 2013 麥花臣籃球啟動戰 笙歌名劇迎新廈 re:spect 麥花臣音樂節 (表演單位包括﹕BOMBER、神奇膠、ToNick等)

  • Ticketing | 麥花臣場館 MAC Stadium

    Ticketing MacPherson Stadium's cooperative ticketing agencies include Cityline, Total Ticketing (Ticketflap), KKTIX and Klook, etc., providing customers with high-quality and convenient ticketing platforms: Accurate ticketing inventory record and reports Versatile online payment methods Advanced fetching ticket system Secure admission control mechanisms ​Ticketing Agency Cityline ​ Total Ticketing (Ticketflap) KKTIX ​ Klook ​

  • Advertising | 麥花臣場館 MAC Stadium

    Advertising MAC Stadium provides various locations for advertising, including light-boxes, banners, LED displays etc. Please contact us for more detail. Contact Us 1/F inside the Arena 1/F Corridor (from the arena to the toilet) Stairs Effect diagram 1/F Lobby G/F Corridor Escalator 1/F Fire door outside the Arena 1/F Near the entrance of the Arena Outdoor (facing MacPherson Playground)

  • 關於我們 | MacPherson Stadium

    Hong Kong Playground Association (HKPA) was established in 1933, is a long-time non-governmental organization providing social services to children and young people in Hong Kong. Through diversified and pertinent services, we aim at breeding youngsters' holistic development and nurturing them to be successors of the Hong Kong society. MacPherson Stadium is one of the stadiums managed by HKPA, located in the heart of MongKok. It was an old stadium serving the community since 50's. With the support from Government, the reconstruction project was begun in 2009. Our brand new MAC Stadium returns in 2013, equipped with professional stage performance and sports facilities, and we aim to work with venue hirer with flexible mind. It is perfect for holding cultural and entertainment programmes, sports events, conventions and ceremonies etc. in any scale or nature. Idea and Value MacPherson Stadium aims to provide modern and comprehensive venue services for the public, cultural and recreational groups, and become a platform for the development of local and international culture, music, art and sports. The goal of MacPherson Stadium is to provide professional and safe venue management and flexible service packages, so that program organizers, participants and the public have a satisfactory rental or use experience. MacPherson Stadium also hopes to work closely with various cultural and recreational organizations to develop local and international culture, music, art and sports as a partner. 理念與價值 Culture, Sports and Art Division MacPherson Stadium Brochure

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